You are to follow the diet the ENTIRE day before your procedure. From the time you wake up until midnight. You cannot have any solid food the entire day. After midnight you are not allowed to drink anything. If your procedure is scheduled after 12 noon, you may have water up until four hours before your procedure.

The list below has all of the approved liquids. Please do not drink anything that is not on this list. Thank you.

Beverages:                                        Soups:

Water                                                Chicken broth /bouillon only

White Cranberry Juice

White Grape Juice                           Jell-O (green and yellow only)

Apple Juice                                                         

Lemonade (no pulp)                         Popsicles (green and yellow only)

Ginger ale


Sierra Mist

7 up


Lemon Lime Gatorade


IMPORTANT: You must drink a lot of water. Drinking water will ensure that your prep is successful and that the procedure can be completed.   

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call the office at

248-682-1720. Questions or concerns after hours please call 248-682-172.