The prep kit will be called into your pharmacy the Thursday before your procedure. It is to be completed the day before your procedure.

Arrive at 1 HOUR BEFORE THE procedure

  Procedure ____EGD ______COLONOSCOPY _____BOTH

 ·        Report to Patient Access on the Johnson side of the hospital, which is also the main entrance. You must arrive at the hospital 1 hour prior to your endoscopy. Your anticipated length of stay will be 2 hours. Bring picture ID and insurance cards.

          Bring a list of all your medications, prescription and over the counter.  Please include doses.

         Small children are allowed as far as the waiting room. An adult must remain with them at all times.

  ·        Do not smoke for 24 hours before your scope.

  ·        Do not use NON PRESCRIPTION over the counter medication for 5 days before surgery. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin/Advil), cold remedies, diet products, or St. Johns Wort.

  ·        Do not smoke Marijuana (pot) or use other street drugs for 5 days before surgery.

          Do not drink alcohol for 24 hours before surgery.

  ·        Do not wear jewelry, make-up, nail polish, or contact lenses. Valuables are best left at home.

  ·        You may need antibiotics prior to procedure if you have a prosthetic heart valve or hip/joint replacement. Please contact your primary physician. We are able to call in those antibiotics along with your prep kit.

If you have any questions please call the office at (248) 682-1720.

Listed below are the medications you are to continue and/or recommended to stop before your procedure. Please contact your physician’s office before stopping any of the medications listed;

·        Take the following medications with a small sip of water the morning of surgery, anything for blood pressure, heart, breathing, seizures, or Parkinson’s disease.                                                                                                                   

· If you are diabetic, DO NOT take your diabetic medication the morning of procedure.

   If you are on any medication from a cardiologist, such as BLOOD THINNERS and/or ASPIRIN, it is recommended that you STOP taking the medication FIVE (5) days prior to procedure. Please speak with your physician before stopping these medications.

  If having an EGD, BRAVO or HALO

·        Please stop any anti-acid (PPI) medication one (1) day prior to procedure.

·        You may NOT eat or drink ANYTHING after midnight the day before procedure. You may have water up until TWO hours before your procedure.


·        You are to follow the clear liquid diet the day before your procedure (see page 3). This diet is to be followed from the time you wake up until midnight. After midnight you are not allowed to eat or drink ANYTHING. You may have water up until TWO hours before your procedure.

·        There will be a prep kit called into your pharmacy the Thursday before your procedure. You are to follow the directions for the prep kit the day before your procedure .


***You must have someone to accompany you to the procedure. They must stay during the entire procedure. You will not be permitted to drive. If you do not have someone upon arrival to the hospital your procedure will be canceled.

***To cancel appointments call Dr. Ferguson’s office at 248-682-1720. The office is open Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. If after hours you may call the office answering service at 248-682-1720. In the event you become ill from your prep or encounter an emergency please inform the answering service. Failure to call will result in a $250.00 fee.


You are to follow the diet the ENTIRE day before your procedure. From the time you wake up until midnight. You cannot have any solid food the entire day. After midnight you are not allowed to drink anything. You may have water up until TWO hours before your procedure.

The list below has all of the approved liquids. Please do not drink anything that is not on this list. Thank you.


Beverages:                                        Soups:

Water                                                Chicken broth /bouillon only

White Cranberry Juice

White Grape Juice                           Jell-O (green and yellow only)

Apple Juice                                                         

Lemonade (no pulp)                         Popsicles (green and yellow only)

Ginger ale


Sierra Mist

7 up


Lemon Lime Gatorade



IMPORTANT: You must drink a lot of water. Drinking water will ensure that your prep is successful and that the procedure can be completed.   

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call the office at

248-682-1720. Questions or concerns after hours please call 248-682-1720


Preparation and Administration

 Administrations of two doses of SUTAB are required for complete preparation for

colonoscopy. 12 tablets are equivalent to 1 dose

 Water must be consumed with each dose for SUTAB

 Do not take oral medication within 1 hour of starting each does of SUTAB

 If taking tetracycline or fluoroquinolone antibiotics, iron, digoxin, chlorpromazine,

penicillamine, take these medications at least 2 hours before and less than 6 hours after

administration of each dose of SUTAB


 Open bottle 1 of the 12 tablets at 12pm

 Fill the provided container with 16 ounces of water (up to the fill line)

 Swallow each tablet with a sip of water and drink the entire amount over 15 to 20


 Approximately 1 hour after the last tablet is ingested, fill the proved container for a

second time with 16 ounces of water (up to fill line) and drink the entire amount over 30


 Approximately 30 minutes after finishing the second container of water, fill the provided

container with 16 ounces for water (up to the fill line), and drink the entire amount 30


 Continue to do clear liquids

 Open bottle 2 of the 12 tablets at 8pm

 Fill the provided container with 16 ounces of water (up to the fill line)

 Swallow each tablet with a sip of water and drink the entire amount over 15 to 20


 Approximately 1 hour after the last tablet is ingested, fill the proved container for a

second time with 16 ounces of water (up to fill line) and drink the entire amount over 30


 Approximately 30 minutes after finishing the second container of water, fill the provided

container with 16 ounces for water (up to the fill line), and drink the entire amount 30


 Continue to do clear liquids up until 4 hours before procedure